Help Spread Joy to Children in NYCHA !

The holiday season is quickly approaching!

This year, we will be hosting our Fourth Annual Holiday Toy Drive!

We are collecting toys, books, and cash donations from now until December 15, 2023.

Toys as low as $5 on our Amazon Custom Gift List below!

Hattie’s Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to empowering girls in New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) to follow their dreams.

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What Drives Us

All children are born dreamers, but along the way some have been taught that their dreams are too wild. These children are mostly inner-city youth filled with limitless potential. Their dreams are stifled by poverty causing a reality-check of their priorities, dearth of positive role models in their communities, and an unclear path towards knowledge of self.

Hattie’s Dream Foundation gives these youth the education, mentorship and blueprint they need to follow their dreams each step of the way.

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Ready to Take The Next Step?

Are you or your company passionate about helping inner-city youth? If so, get involved and find the numerous ways you can help further our mission.


Take Action!

When you donate to Hattie’s Dream Foundation you are helping a girl achieve her dreams.

100% of your tax deductible monetary donation goes towards programming.

You will be given our Tax ID Number for your records upon receipt of your donation.

“Our girls in underserved communities are not less-than. They are not incapable. They are talented with limitless potential. They just need people who believe in them to give them the blueprint.” - Shadajah


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